Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heavy Metal Cleansing Will Stop The MADNESS!

Our health is highly dependent on what we consume and what we put in and on our bodies. So, if you eat large amounts of junk food, then the nutrients that fuel your body are basically of the lowest quality. What should concern you most is the possibility of having consumed harmful heavy metals. Heavy metals are the most dangerous and cause you to have energy leakage, low mental clarity, and slows down brain development and function.

Many don't realize that heavy metals have entered the body in the first place. It's not like you would eat a meal of heavy metals. Heavy metals are industrial by-products, traces of which can easily be found in drinking water, pesticides, dental braces, dental fillings, certain metal cookware, and aluminum cooking products to name a few. Scrap dental amalgam was declared a dangerous compound by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1989.

If you suspect that you have heavy metals in your body and would like to get rid of them. A heavy metal cleansing/detox is recommended. Heavy metal cleansing is the process of eliminating poisonous and toxic heavy metal substances from your body. Usually, your body has a natural way of detoxifying on its own. Impurities are removed via the feces and urine. In addition, small amounts of heavy metals may also be released into the air through your lungs. The liver can also help in heavy metal detox. It actually excretes metal in the bile and reabsorbs them. The kidney also performs a process that disposes of the heavy metals that your body absorbs by producing Metallothionein. Metallothionein (MT) is a family of cysteine-rich, low molecular weight proteins. MTs have the capacity to bind both physiological (Zn, Cu, Se,...) and xenobiotic (Cd, Hg, Ag,...) heavy metals through the thiol group of its cysteine residues, which represents nearly the 30% of its amino acidic residues.

Metallothionein's experimental data relates it with protection against metal toxicity, regulation of physiological metals (Zn and Cu) and protection against oxidative stress. There are four main isoforms expressed in humans. In the human body, large quantities are synthesised primarily in the liver and kidneys. Their production is dependent on availability of the dietary minerals such as zinc, copper, selenium, and the amino acids histidine and cysteine. Problems start when there is a toxic build up of heavy metals and other waste, causing the organs to become overwhelmed and not able to perform at peak efficiency.

Alternative health experts recommend that you should undertake measures to aid your body in heavy metal detox. Heavy metal detox helps to remove heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, and others. These metals, when found in your body, causes cross-linking in the brain(short circuit), destroys vital enzymes, cell receptors, and hormones. Lead is also found to restrain brain nerves. Thus, the presence of lead can affect brain development, especially in growing children. It is the same or worse with mercury.

You will need to be under the guidance of an alternative health expert for heavy metal detox. If heavy metal detox is not done properly, mercury can actually result in renal failure. You will also experience symptoms of mercury poisoning. There are also some nutrients that you need in your daily diet to aid in the process of heavy metal detox:

* B-Complex-consist of eight vitamins:
Thiamin-(B1)essential for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Also works to promote healthy nerves, improve mood, strengthen the heart, and improve heartburn.
Riboflavin-(B2)necessary for red blood cell formation, as well as for assisting with fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Also works to improve skin blemishes, migraines and in preventing the onset of cataracts.
Niacin-(B3)an effective aid for lowering cholesterol, as well as to promote healthy skin. Can also be used to treat depression, insomnia and arthritis.
Pantothenic Acid-(B5)works to promote a healthy Central Nervous System, as well as assist in energy production, and fight chronic fatigue, migraines, allergies and heartburn.
Pyridoxine-(B6)needed for almost every function in the body, working as a coenzyme for numerous enzymes. Plays a major role in forming red blood cells, proteins and neurotransmitters, as well as stabilizing homocysteine levels. Can be used to relieve PMS and asthma attacks.
Cyanocobalamin-(B12)essential to prevent pernicious anemia, which is caused by B12 deficiency
Biotin-important to improve nail & hair health.
Folic Acid-Essential during pregnancy to protect against birth defects; stabilizes homocysteine levels.
* Grape Seed Extract-antioxidants in grape seed extract may help prevent changes, including damage to blood vessels, that may contribute to the development of heart disease
* Methionine- A powerful anti-oxidant and a good source of sulfur, which prevents disorders of the hair, skin, and nails
* Silymarin-has shown differing degrees of effectiveness for protecting the liver from damage caused by alcohol, chemicals, drugs, diseases, and poisonous plants.
* Wheat Grass-it has been argued that wheat grass helps blood flow, digestion, and general detoxification of the body.
* N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-"NAC", provides powerful immune support and also packs powerful anti-toxin potential.
* Chlorella-helps detoxify your body, Improve your digestive system, including decreasing constipation, Focus more clearly and for greater duration, and Promotes a healthy pH balance.
* Multi-Mineral-ensure healthy functioning of every system in the body.
The idea of heavy metal detox has many skeptics, but it's a fact that heavy metals are highly toxic to your body and it's in your best interest to be without them. You should research more into heavy metal cleansing if you find that the brain development of your child is delayed for instance.