Your digestive system consist of many parts. Among them are the esophagus, stomach, the small and large intestines, tubular structures, through which food and waste product pass and in which digestion takes place. Two large glands, the liver and the pancreas, furnish some of the enzymes and other substances needed for digestion. Your gallbladder, a hollow organ located just under your liver, stores bile manufactured by your liver.
The food you eat is propelled through your digestive tract by muscular contractions that for the most part are automatic. The process of digestion changes the components of food into a form that eventually will be absorbed into your bloodstream. After the nutrients are absorbed, your digestive tract eliminates unwanted material.
Digestion begins when you chew your food. The food is broken into smaller pieces by your teeth and, at the same time, is mixed with saliva secreted by your salivary glands. Your saliva contains an enzyme called ptyalin that begins to change starches into sugars.
Chewing reduces the food to a mushy consistency. When you swallow, the food is propelled into the back part of your throat, past the opening of the voice box, and into the upper part of your esophagus. Food is prevented from entering your larynx by a flap of soft tissue that closes as food passes into the esophagus. When the epiglottis fails to close completely, a minor coughing fit may result. Such an episode is said to be the result of the food having gone down the wrong tube.
The walls of your stomach consist of various layers of powerful muscles. These muscles serve an important mechanical function as they cause the stomach to churn, breaking the food into smaller and smaller pieces. In addition, gastric juices manufactured by the glands that line your stomach mix with the food particles. These juices contain pepsin, a digestive enzyme that begins to break down proteins in the mixture, and hydrochloric acid, which creates the proper environment for pepsin to work.
Although it serves a useful function, your stomach is not vital to the breakdown of food and its subsequent absorption. Only small amounts of such food as alcohol, simple sugars, and some medications are actually absorbed in the stomach.
There is a delicate balance in your stomach between the acid produced by its glands and the resistance of your stomach lining to that acid. If this balance is upset, the result may be damage to the stomach lining, such as peptic ulcer or gastritis.
Food leaves your stomach in two phases. The upper portion of your stomach contracts first, pushing the more liquid material into your small intestine. The more solid food leaves later, primarily by the action of the muscles in the lower part of your stomach. The partially processed food, chyme, that travels through the pyloric canal into the first portion of your small intestine, duodenum.
If you need more help, subscribe to our "FREE Detox Reports" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Digestion Process In The Stomach
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4:39 PM
Labels: body systems, digestion, stomach, symptoms of bowel obstruction
Friday, September 19, 2008
Optimal Cleanse For Health And Vitality
Body detoxification involves removing toxins built up in your system and restoring your body's digestive and waste system to optimal health.
How The Toxins Get in Our Bodies
We are all exposed to chemicals and other foreign matter as we go about our daily lives. It's in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and in the food we eat. Even more then ever today with all the hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, and added ingredients found in foods available n the market.
The colon, bowel, and intestines all become clogged after years of consuming foods that put a heavy burden on your body such as fatty meats, sugary treats, hydrogenated oils and processed or chemically treated food products.
The residual waste these artificial and added ingredients are not digestible and so they end up sticking to the walls of your colon causing your digestive tract to become toxic. The toxins produced eventually get into your blood and circulate throughout your body causing unfavorable health symptoms. Left untreated these toxins make your immune system weak and leave you susceptible to bad health and disease.
Signs and Symptoms Indicating a Need for a Body Detoxification
There are many signs and symptoms signaling the need for a body detoxification. Some of the most common are a continual feeling of being tired, can't seem to get enough energy to get through the day or maybe you are continuously suffering from reoccurring colds or from mysterious allergies.
Additional indications could be that you're overweight (weight loss programs not working), taking prescription drugs or have chronic pain or a health condition that doctors just can't pinpoint the cause. These are all common indicators of a need for body detoxification.
Optimal Cleanse To Get Healthier Now!
Without a body cleansing, the poisons will make your immune system weak leaving you more likely to suffer from bad health, disease, and chronic pain and illness.
The benefits of a body detoxification and cleansing...the reverse of the symptoms listed above. Most people experience an increase in energy and general feeling of wellness, and many people find that they have lost some of that excess weight and will be able to keep it off because an increase in metabolism (no more expensive weight loss programs that don't work). Fewer colds, allergy relief, less joint and muscle pain, relief from constipation and gas, just to name a few.
Colon Cleansing May also be a Cancer Cleanse
A part of body detoxification is removing the build up of residual waste from the colon. This should be done in a gentle more natural way, so toxins are not stirred up causing other problems in the process.
Colon cleansing is also beneficial when it comes to preventing colon cancer. One of the leading causes of death in the United States. Studies have revealed that changes in lifestyle and diet can prove to be beneficial in prevention or minimization of colon cancer. A colon cleanse can give you a clean start toward a healthier colon and a healthier body.
So Do I Need To Perform a Body Detoxification?
I think everyone should consider the benefits. And if you do have questions or concerns, ask a Doctor that understands detoxification and cleansing. As for me...doing a herbs cleanse and having the toxins removed from my body is as important as my annual checkup and an essential need in preserving good health and preventing illness with the ultimate cleanse solution.
Posted by
10:47 PM
Labels: cleanse your body, colon cleansing home remedy, home detox
Friday, September 12, 2008
First Colon Cleansing? Here's 4 Tips For You.
Cleansing and detoxification is the process of removing toxins from your body. More specifically it is the act of flushing toxins out of the body with water and other cleansing herbs. It may seem like an uncomfortable experience, but the health benefits far outweigh any temporary discomfort. Here's a list of 4 tips to help you with your first Colon Cleansing.
1) You want to research how the body can become toxic over time, and the kind of health problems that can occur when the body is overwhelmed with too many toxins. Learn all about colon cleansing, the benefits and how to do it effectively. You should be prepared by doing the proper research.
2) When doing a colon cleansing, drinking 8 or more 8oz. glasses of PURE water a day is VERY important. Water helps with the cleansing process and pure water will be used more affectively by the body during the actual cleansing. Be prepared to experience some discomfort for the first 2 to 3 days of a cleansing. This is completely normal when the body is trying to flush toxins from the body.
3) Follow the instructions carefully, cause most herbal cleanses takes place over 30 days by taking herbal pills or powder. You'll should try to get to the point of using the restroom 2 to 3 times per day, which is normal. If this isn't the case then you should increase your dosage by 1 of the herbal pills per day till you get to that point. Also, be sure your water intake is as not to dehydrate your body. At minimum, your body weight in ounces of water will be ideal. So if you weigh 120 pounds, drink 120 ounces of water per day. That may be difficult, but water is healthy and it will help with the cleansing process.
4) While going through the discomfort just remember that you're doing something great for your body and will feel much better and possibly look much better once the process is complete. No pain, no gain certainly holds true for colon cleansing. Although there should be no actual pain...just some discomfort.
By following these 4 tips your first colon cleansing experience should be a much easier undertaking.
Posted by
9:05 AM
Labels: colon cleansing home remedy, detox program, digestion
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Candida Natural Remedies
Recent research has concluded that candida may have a more pronounced affect on health that previously thought. Candida is naturally occurring yeast that is present in every human being - we all have it all the time! When candida grows excessively it is due to a bacterial infection. Normally, it is harmless and exists in relative balance with the rest of the body. However, if the levels increase out of range of natural harmony it can cause dozens of unwanted symptoms.
Fortunately, there are ways to treat candida naturally. The mindset to treating candida should be to return the body to its natural state of equilibrium. When treating candida naturally the idea is that no prescription medications, doctor visits, or medications are necessary to fix the problem.
Using a combination of supplements, changes to the diet, anti-fungal agents, and vitamins and minerals can be effective in the battle against candida. Furthermore, as more and more research has proven that natural remedies can be just as successful as synthetic ones, people are finally starting to realize that Mother Nature has graciously provided for the healing and treatment of a huge variety of health problems.
Using vitamins, nutrients, and supplements will enable the body to rid the body of excess yeast growth. Due to the hectic lives many of us lead, it is fairly difficult for people to properly balance their diets. It is tempting to drink coffee, eat junk food, and ignore the variety of vitamins and nutrients the body so desperately needs. Vitamins and nutrients that are effective in treating candida include vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, iron, glutamine, and healthy fatty acids. These substances are more available than ever before. Not only do health food stores and pharmacies carry these products - you can also find them at major supermarket chains.
In addition, you should try to consume as many antioxidants as possible. Antioxidants are important to the body for fighting disease. Antioxidants function by rendering toxins in the body harmless. Over the past few years the use of antioxidants has become more widespread. Foods are even being engineered to include heavier amounts of these beneficial substances. A great natural source of antioxidents is berries, particular blueberries.
Flaxseed oil and coconut oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. It is common for the treatment of candida. In essence, flaxseed oil is a natural antifungal agent. This means that flaxseed oil naturally does what prescription anti-fungal agents are supposed to do. Its properties are often highly successful in limiting candida growth and it should be part of any natural candida treatment.
As you can see it is possible to treat candida naturally. While these minerals, nutrients, and supplements can be a little pricey, the benefit to your health will greatly outweigh the financial cost. Even taking the monetary cost into consideration, Candida must be treated one way or another. It is always best to attempt to heal yourself the natural way over prescription drugs. This will enable your body to defeat problems the way nature intended it to.
If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.
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3:59 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Benefits of Cleaning Your Colon
We often hear that health is wealth. While some may think that happiness comes from financial wealth, life will be no fun unless your body is feeling fine.
There are many ways to maintain, or regain, your health. Exercise is important. It doesn't really matter what you do: running, walking, bicycling, climbing, martial arts, tennis, or any other sport that you are enthusiastic about. 'Just do it' seriously, as the experts say, at least 3 times a week. This will help your health a lot.
There are several other important factors for good health. Proper breathing is one. Proper sleep and proper diet are 2 other factors that are important to good health. These things are all, more or less, natural, or so it would seem.
But I find that many people today are not aware of how to keep up with even these 'natural' parts of life. As important as they are, these topics will have to wait for other articles.
Today I want to talk about a more unusual, but very important, aspect of personal health and hygiene: colon cleansing. Many people seem to accept constipation and are not aware of the importance of regular bowel movements, and of periodic colon cleansing, to remove the waste matter that has somehow 'stuck' around inside of us, maybe for years.
Some health experts will tell you that constipation is the root of a very large percentage of diseases, from headaches to cancer, as well as obesity.
There are many reasons for constipation. Some of the most common reasons are a low fiber diet, lack of water intake, lack of exercise and over-eating.
These and other habits lead to a clogged colon, a colon that doesn't allow your food and liquid intake to get into the body and do it's work.
In a natural, healthy state of being, nature has planned that the colon will eliminate waste material and bacteria and absorb water and mineral salts while maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. If your colon has too much waste matter lining it's walls, then full absorption of nutrition is blocked and the colon creates extra toxins that spread across the body through the absorbed fluids.
So, a double whammy happens. You let toxins back into your body and only a small amount of the needed nutrition from your food can enter into your bloodstream. So you don't get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that you need. Thus, among many other problems, you may find that you have to eat much more than a 'clean colon' person does, to supply your body with the required nutrition.
But never fear. There is a way out. In fact there are many ways out.
Periodic fasting is useful. A popular yogic fasting method calls for fasting 2 times a month, for 24 hours. This may be with water or juice, or it may be a dry, fast. Either way, it gives your intestines a rest and, when properly done, helps to cleanse the bowels.
An important part of this method is to finish your fast with a good amount of water, ideally with lemon and salt added, before eating any solid food.
Another method that is rightfully gaining popularity is colon cleansing.
There are numerous ways to do this. In many cities you can find therapists who specialize in colon cleansing. One can also 'do it yourself' with products of herbal origin, such as senna, cascara sagrada, psyllium and others that you can explore online or through consulting a health therapist.
My own experience proves that it's well worth any effort. I've found that I enjoy every aspect of life better, now that I've found out how to keep myself internally cleansed and thus healthy. So, if you would like to get similar benefits, try colon cleansing.
If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.
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9:46 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Internal Colon Cleansing For Health and Vitality
You don't have to be an authority on health to know that disease begins in the colon. So, for optimum health we need the colon to be functioning perfectly. Most of us don't have a clear idea as to what is meant by a healthy colon. The primary function of the colon is to eliminate waste materials from the body. A healthy colon also is home to beneficial bacteria(Probiotics), which absorbs valuable nutrients into the body.
It's an unfortunate fact that the average American does not possess a healthy and properly functioning colon. It's the price they pay for living fast paced lives sustained on soft drinks and junk foods. This flawed dietary practice and other factors lead to the accumulation of toxic elements in the colon. Over time, these toxins build up and are re-absorbed back into the body triggering a variety of symptoms like:
*Low energy and Vitality
*Skin problems
*Foul body odor
*Halitosis or Bad Breath
*...and many more.
Then what is the solution if you are among those who suffer from one of these as a chronic disorder? Well, it's an indication that you need to detoxify and cleanse your body's elimination system. Remember, any detoxify cleansing program starts with the colon. There are number of ways to accomplish this objective. The major colon cleansing methods include Colon Hydrotherapy, Enemas, Herbal supplements, Laxatives and Oxygen-based Cleansers.
A proper cleansing and detoxification of the system is the key to health and vitality. A clean and healthy colon ensures overall well-being.
Let me explain how...
When your colon is clogged with waste matter that you accumulated over years due to poor diet, you don't absorb nutrients from the food you eat properly...which causes you to over eat. The first organ that becomes inefficient is the colon, then the rest of your body systems get polluted with toxic elements. This is a process known as auto-intoxication or self-poisoning where body gets toxic as a result of substances produced by our own body as a result of insufficient elimination due to a sluggish colon.
Everyday we come across so many people who look much older than their actual age with an air of losing all drive for living. The reason is again an unhealthy colon. In addition to so many physical disorders as described above we also lose the vitality of our mind and we feel depressed, weak, lethargic and fatigued due to this auto-intoxication. It occurs when the toxins accumulate in the nervous system, hearts and the glands. As a cumulative result of all these we look older than our age and appear like
Thus while the health and vitality depends on proper functioning and maintenance of the colon, the proper cleansing method ensures that our colon remains in a proper state of health and well-being. A periodical cleansing(1 to 2 times a year) of our systems is as important as caring for the external cleaning of our body like bathing or brushing. And the detoxification and cleansing program starts right at your colon, which if kept unclean may contaminate your whole system.

If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.
Posted by
6:12 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Natural Candida Cures
The keys to an effective Natural Candida Cure are in the following Six Steps. This six step process may seem like a challenge at times, but it's not hard and it's the quickest way to regain your vibrant health and energy again!
Step 1: Remove the Causes
Direct Candida Causes
- * Mercury
- o "Silver" Tooth Fillings
- o Contaminated Seafood
- o Vaccines
- * Fungal Toxins
- o Food borne Toxins
+ Peanuts - Most are contaminated with mold
+ Pistachios - Most are contaminated with mold
+ Moldy Vegetables - o Airborne Toxins
+ Mold in your home or workplace - * Chlorinated Water
- o Drinking Chlorinated Water
- o Bathing or Showering in Chlorinated Water
- o Swimming in Chlorinated Water
- * Fluoridated Water
- * Pharmaceutical Medications
o Antibiotics
o Vaccinations - Most contain mercury
o Birth Control Pills
o Steroids
o Hormone Replacement Therapy
o Pain killers
o Cortisone-type Drugs
* Poor Diet
o Aspartame
o Consistent Alcohol Consumption
o Nutritional Deficiencies
o Overeating
o Junk Foods
o Sugary Foods
o Refined, Canned, Smoked, Preserved and Fried Foods
o Not Being Breast Fed for the First Six Months of Life
* Eating Disorders
o Starvation
o Vomiting
o Taking Laxatives
- Indirect Candida Causes
* Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual Imbalances
* Trauma
* Stress
* Long Term Infections
* Smoking Cigarettes
* Excessive Stimulants or Depressants
o Caffeine
o Nicotine
o Alcohol
* Environmental Toxins
o Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water
o Chemicals Leeching from your Carpets
o Pesticides
o Herbicides
o Synthetic Fertilizers
o Food Additives
o Shampoo Additives
o Soap Additives
o Skin Lotion Additives
o Fragrance Additives
+ Perfumes
+ Soaps
+ Shampoos
+ Conditioners
+ Laundry Detergents
+ Fabric Softeners
+ Air Fresheners
o Bisphenol-A leaching from Plastics
+ Water Bottles
+ Plastic Food Containers
+ Shower Curtains
* Diseases
o HIV and AIDS
o Diabetes - There is more sugar in the blood and urine which feed the yeasts
o Cancer
+ Radiation kills the beneficial bacteria in your intestines
+ Chemotherapy damages your immune system
Step 2: Starve The Candida
Starve the Candida with the Candida diet. Sugar is the main food for Candida. The Candida diet is a low carbohydrate diet that dramatically cuts back on sugar that feeds the Candida.
Although carbohydrates are known to be fuel for the body, this is true only if you do not have a Candida infection. If you have a systemic Candida albicans infection, excess refined/starchy carbs actually suppress energy.
Step 3: Kill the Candida
This step is the main difference between the Natural Candida Cure and using a Candida albicans medicine. The Natural Candida Cure uses only natural herbal treatments while the Candida albicans medicine uses pharmaceutical medicines.
When using a Natural Candida Cure, you need to rotate the treatment monthly using this schedule:
1. Choose one of the natural anti-fungals or a mixture and take them for the first 30 days.
2. Choose a different natural anti-fungal and a different mixture and take for days 30 through 60.
3. Rotate to two different natural anti-fungal products each month.
The reason for this rotation is the Candida are very adaptable and can change to prevent the Natural Candida Cure from killing it. Rotating the natural anti-fungals each month prevents the Candida from adapting. You should wait at least 90 days before taking the same treatment again.
- Natural Antifungals:
* Coconut Oil
* Garlic
* Olive Leaf Extract
* Pau d'Arco
* Cellulase
* Oil of Oregano
* Grape Seed Extract
* Grapefruit Seed Extract
* Neem
* Apple Cider Vinegar
* Caprylic Acid
* Berberine
* Germanium
* Yarrow
* Lomatium Dissectum
* Undecylenic Acid
* Capric Acid
* Lauric Acid
* d-limonene
* Plant Tannins
* Leptotoenia (Wild Black Carrot)
* Carrot Juice
* Essential Oils
* Topical Use - do not ingest
o Bergamot Essential Oil
o Sandalwood Essential Oil
o Tea Tree Essential Oil
There are some products that contain a mixture of these antifungals. These can be very powerful and help kill the Candida quicker. You need to make note of the ingredients so you don't end up taking the same anti-fungal two months in a row during your Natural Candida Cure.
Step 4: Repair the Damage
When the Candida are growing rampantly, they produce numerous toxins that cause damage to your cells. The fourth step in the Natural Candida Cure is to repair this damage. Use a powerful free radical scavenger such as Pycnogenol or an Antioxidant Complex to assist in this repair process.
You also need to take a high quality multi-vitamin like Whole Food Multivitamin by Dr. Mercola or Synergy Energy by NSIto help repair this damage. The best multi-vitamins are high in anti-oxidant's, made from whole foods and are in capsule or powder form. The heat required to make a tablet can damage the vitamins so that they are of no use to your body. The supplement you choose should have close to 1000% of the B vitamins and Vitamin C. Any supplement that only has 100% of each vitamin is useless and should be avoided.
Step 5: Move Your Bowels
The majority of toxins are eliminated from the body through the bowels. These toxins include dead Candida and the toxins that Candida produce. You need to try to have three bowel movements every day during the Natural Candida Cure.
Most people do not include enough fiber in their diet to have that many bowel movements in a day. One way to increase your daily fiber intake is to take a fiber supplement. Here are many good sources of fiber to help stimulate bowel movements and carry out colon waste:
- Fiber Supplements
* Psyllium Husks
* Slippery Elm Bark
* Flax Seed
* Alfalfa Whole Leaf
* Barley Whole Leaf
* Glucomannan Fiber
* Chia Seed
* Pea Hull Fiber
One great product that combines four of the fibers listed above is Organic Daily Fiber by Garden of Life. Each serving provides 3 grams of soluble and 2 grams of insoluble fiber from organic flax seed, organic pea hull fiber, organic alfalfa and organic barley.
I also recommend that you perform a colon cleanse while doing the Natural Candida Cure. The Candida can cause your bowel movements to be abnormal. That means a lot of the nutrients you eat are not being digested and not all of the toxins are being cleared from the body. A colon cleanse will help your bowel movements returned to normal so that your body can better fight the Candida.
It is important that you replace the healthy bacteria found in the colon that is lost through the process of cleansing the colon. This is discussed in more detail in Step 6.
I used to recommend that you avoid using anything that stimulates peristalsis during the Natural Candida Cure. However through further research I have learned that cascara sagrada is a safe and gentle laxative as long as it is used for no more than 7 days at a time.
Step 6: Replace the Good Bacteria
It is imperative that you take probiotics to replace the good bacteria in your intestines. Also stay away from those things that disrupt the balance, such as antibiotics and the other things listed on the Candida albicans causes section.
The probiotics produce many beneficial chemicals and help process the waste for elimination. They also compete with the Candida for food so they help keep the Candida in the proper balance to prevent another overgrowth.
If you follow the 6 Steps to Health, this natural yeast infection treatment will help you regain your strength and vitality in no time. It may be easiest to work into the treatment slowly. One step at a time. This helps keep you from getting overwhelmed.
If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Safety Of Colon Cleansing
Colon cleansing is the process of introducing gentle jets of water into the large intestine for washing away waste matter and toxins. But is colon cleansing safe and what exactly does it involve? Preserving colon health is imperative for many reasons, with the most important being the role of the large intestine in evacuating organic waste from the body. Roughly the shape of a large letter "M", the colon ranges in length from between four and a half to five and a half feet and is about two and a half inches wide. While the small intestine is wedged between the stomach and liver, the colon stops at the anus.
The colon is the portion of the digestive tract responsible for temporarily holding waste before it exits the body. Substandard colon health can impede the body's ability to properly dispose of waste. In fact, a contaminated colon can potentially lead to other medical conditions including:
* Digestive Disorder
* Constipation
* Diarrhea
* Problem Skin (acne)
* Fatigue
When properly administered, colon cleansing has proven to be very safe, especially with recent updates in equipment and technique. Enemas were the old-fashioned answer to the colon cleansing dilemma. Unfortunately, enemas are also to blame for many concerns over colon cleansing safety. Enemas differ from bowel irrigation in their value; enemas typically cleanse only the lower 20% of the colon. With roughly eighty percent of the large intestine left untreated by an enema, the procedure doesn't provide the same effectiveness as modern colon hydrotherapy. Some of the health benefits associated with colonic irrigation:
* Removal of Trapped Fecal Matter
* Expulsion of harmful bacteria
* Encouraged growth of beneficial intestinal flora
* Improved colorectal muscular activity
* Expulsion of harmful organisms
Other than water irrigation, many variations of digestive health treatments have emerged with colon cleansing being the chief aim. In fact, you can now obtain colon cleansing supplements featuring organic compounds to help the colon cleanse and heal itself. For example, Oxy-Powder® works by activating oxygen within the intestinal tract and is an excellent choice for helping to maintain colon efficiency along with your colon hydrotherapy sessions. Even though colon hydrotherapy has existed for years, the ultimate question remains--is colon cleansing safe?
Frequent Colon Cleansing Safety Concerns
When it comes to the question of safety, there are a number of common colon cleansing concerns:
* Pain: Some individuals base their decisions on a simple idea--does it hurt? Colon hydrotherapy is routinely described as "reinvigorating" or "refreshing."
* Penetration of Treatments: Just how deeply the colon cleansing apparatus enters the body is another top safety concern. Enemas affect only the first eight to twelve inches of the colon. Colon cleansing treatments penetrate more deeply so as to provide a thorough cleansing for the entire length of the colon, but are relatively safe if administered by a hydrotherapy specialist.
* Risk of Infection: Perhaps one of the biggest concerns with colon cleansing concerns potential exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses. Modern advances in colon cleansing equipment, like the use of disposable pre-sterilized hoses and tips, help ensure a germ-free colon cleansing experience.
But Is Colon Cleansing Safe?
Colon irrigation promotes no direct side effects. Nonetheless, the process of eliminating toxins can cause some minor intestinal problems. Once the mucous buildup begins to leave the body, minute amounts may be reabsorbed along the way. The toxin absorption can result in cold or flue like symptoms (which may include nausea, headaches, and dizziness) but will ultimately reverse itself once the outflow diminishes. In fact, getting rid of all that toxic debris can lead to increased energy, mental clarity, and overall feelings of wellbeing.
Proper Colon Cleansing
Variations in bowel irrigation techniques also promote increased safety. For example, modern hydrotherapy systems, like colon cleansing board kits, utilize temperature-controlled water for cleansing the colon. Recent developments include a specially designed speculum to assist in delivering the water into the large intestine gently to reduce the possibility of tissue damage. Additionally, colon hydrotherapy equipment also maintains the water pressure and temperature so the cleansing is conducted at a uniform rate. Therefore, via a combination of advancements in material technology and the application of the cleansing by a professional, you can be assured colon cleansing can be a very safe procedure indeed!
Posted by
6:10 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Cure Acne At Home With Internal Cleansing
Most acne products do nothing more than waste money. People spend hundreds of dollars on creams and lotions only to find out that they don't really work or only give you temporary relief.
Acne remains a serious problem for a lot of teenagers and even for some adults. Acne destroys confidence, leaving a person depressed and even suicidal. However, hope remains for many of it's desperate sufferers.
Acne, like most other skin problems, exists only as a message that something inside the body isn't functioning properly. This means acne isn't really the problem you have to attack. The problem lies elsewhere inside the body which produces symptoms such as acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Acne is basically your body trying to rid toxins from the body through the skin. The skin functions as your 3rd kidney. When toxins aren't being flush from the body fast enough via other methods, they try to get out through the skin. This causes rashes, acne, and other skin problems.
Things such as soda drinks, processed chocolate, sugar, red meat, caffeine, and any other food item that cause your body to become acidic can cause an acne breakout. Stress and hormonal imbalance are also major causes of acne breakouts.
The point being that most people don't treat the real cause of the acne outbreak and will never experience total relief from the problem.
Everyone with acne knows that when you stop using the topical lotions, your acne just keeps coming back just as bad as it did before you used the products but you still use them because you feel there's no other way and this means a lot of business for the companies that make the lotions. Like the old saying goes..."the money is in the treatment, not the cure".
These products simply try to hide your acne rather than cure it so you must continually rely on their product for any relief. Other problems with most acne products include creating new symptoms you must deal with such as dry skin, itching and peeling.
The only way to cure acne effectively is to fix the internal problem your body has. When you do this, you may find not only your acne, but other problems you have had in the past start to disappear.
When an acne sufferer overcomes their acne problem, their confidence soars through the roof and they no longer feel any of the negative emotions such as anger, depression, and frustration that once tied in with the acne.
It also means you keep more money in your pocket. It is estimated that roughly $100 million is spent annually in the U.S. on over-the-counter acne treatments not to mention the many millions more spent on prescription based treatments and other alternative remedies.
Now that you know what acne really is, you can then begin to look for and remedy the true cause. The good news is that the cause of acne has now been established. So if you're getting no results from topical products?
Eliminate the root cause of Acne. Detox your skin from inside out.
Posted by
7:28 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Benefits of a Candida Detox
With already 10 species of Candida linked to fungal infections in humans, a total of around 150 species have been identified to date. These organisms are often found in the moist areas of the human body, such as the intestines, skin, mouth and sexual organs.
In humans, Candida albicans causes between 80% and 95% of yeast infections. This is the predominant strain of the Candida species. Responsible for milder infections, Candida glabrata is the second most common species and it can also negatively impact on health.
Yeast infection sets in when yeast organisms start to grow and multiply unchecked. Healthy people already have some Candida bacteria, but normally, other bacteria called probiotics which are good for humans, balance out the Candida, which have little leeway for damage.
The symptoms that frequently arise from local infection due to Candida include a disagreeable sensation of burning, rashes and redness, and/or unusual discharge in the area that is affected. Systemic candidiasis however generates most commonly one or more of the symptoms of chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lack of drive, sore muscles, and reactions to certain nutrition or allergies. Any kind of yeast infection can bring serious pain and discomfort, and can therefore ruin one's quality of life. Yeast infection comes about from Candida overgrowth most commonly. This is either a local medical condition (genitals, mouth, skin or nails) or can spread to most of the body.
Classical medicine and the holistic approach are dramatically different in their treatment of yeast infection. Even if all the necessary study on yeast overgrowth has yet to be completed, doctors as well as alternative therapists are unanimous in their opinion that it is triggered for the most part by a combination of factors that include diet, lifestyle, and inherited characteristics (which we must accept) as well as a weakened immune system.
The real causes that trigger yeast infection are left untouched by conventional medicaments. When these underlying factors responsible for Candida multiplication are ignored, a person is immediately at risk for much more serious health complications. As an example, the prescription of steroid creams may be made to soothe inflamed areas, rashes and burning sensations, but this is simply conventional medicine trying to reduce the symptoms of candidiasis. The use of antibiotics to kill bacteria is a further example. Sadly, antibiotics cannot distinguish between "bad" and "good" bacteria that work in the human body to stave off recurring infections. This means that with more antibiotic treatment, yeast infection will get worse.
The holistic remedy has as its primary objective, to naturally restore the inner balance and to bolster the immune system by instigating a comprehensive agenda of diet and lifestyle changes, detox, herbal cures and the use of specific supplements. The all-natural holistic approach focuses on resolving the basic causes as well as the outer symptoms of candidiasis. Use of the holistic approach will in most circumstances annihilate the basic cause of Candida infection to stop it once and for all from recurring, and to enhance your health and well being in general.
Linda Allen
Linda Allen is a medical researcher, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book Yeast Infection No More. To Learn More About Linda Allen's Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Candida
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12:37 PM
Are You Having Regular Bowel Movements?
Do you know someone who smokes a cigarette or downs a cup of coffee in order to have a noteworthy bowel movement?
It doesn't have to be this way. Not when there are so many easy, all natural, inexpensive methods to help anyone get regular and stay regular.
Stress, bagels, resentment, pasta, anxiety, cheese, hamburgers, doughnuts, ice cream and unforgiveness combine to form mucoid ("moo-coyed") plaque -- a goopy, rubbery black-green tar that coats the walls of our intestines, diminishes your body's ability to absorb nutrients and backs up your entire system.
Between 3-4 million Americans suffer from serious constipation.
And many more yo-yo back and forth between constipation and diarrhea on a regular basis.
Moving your bowels - "going number two", "using the little girls room", "pinching a log" or "taking a dump" - should be a natural, daily occurrence in the rhythm of life - The same way the sun comes up in the morning and sets in the evening.
Contrary to popular belief, the NUMBER of times you go a day is not a deciding factor in determining if you are constipated.
According to the Mayo Clinic: "It's normal for someone to have anywhere from 3 bowel movements per week to three bowel movements a day.
If your stools are soft and pass easily and you pass them at least three times per week, you're not constipated."
Others believe differently. Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D., C.N.C., director of the Global College of Natural Medicine says "if you eat one meal a day you should have one bowel movement a day later.
The "transit time" or how long it takes food to travel from the moment you eat it to the moment you excrete it is a determining factor of effects of constipation on your health.
Even with one bowel movement per day, if you eat three meals a day, there are at least two meals' worth of waste sitting in the colon at any given time.
Regardless of whether you go once a day or once a week, the tell-tale signs of constipation are pretty much the same:
=>hard, painful "pebble" like movements;
=>constant straining and/or painful movements;
=>feeling bloated, gassy, uncomfortable and/or sluggish;
=>Skin eruptions; rashes;
=>halitosis or bad breath;
=>cloudy or discolored sclera (whites of the eyes); and/or
There are many fast, easy and inexpensive cures to "loosen you up" without a trip the local proctologist or taking expensive medication.
1) Salt Flush - Guaranteed to get things moving in 20 minutes or less. The salt flush has been used in fasting regimens for over 50 years. It is totally safe, non-habit forming and very effective.
Recipe: Mix 2 rounded teaspoons of sea salt (do not use Kosher or Iodized table salt) with 1 quart (4 cups) warm water.
Down it as quickly as possible. The salt water is the same gravity as your blood, so it won't be absorbed into your bloodstream.
Take smaller sips if you gag and/or pinch your nose closed to cut the taste. It won't win any awards for taste, but you will definitely need to reserve a spot in the nearest bathroom for at least 1 hour after drinking it.
2) Add Fiber - in the form of more fruits and vegetables, brown rice and or beans. Organic Aloe Vera gel (whole leaf) is an excellent, gentle, natural and non-additive laxative.
3) Take A Probiotic - Good bacteria or flora is essential for proper assimilation of vitamins and nutrients from the foods you eat.
Eating yogurt is pretty good, but most of the good bacteria is digested by stomach enzymes long before it reaches your large intestines.
A supplement like an enteric coated capsule protects the good bacteria from stomach acids so it can reach your colon and large intestines.
4) EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) - From fish or seeds not only affect growth, vitality and mental state. Essential fatty acids ease the passage of stools by lubricating your intestines.
Even walking for just 10 minutes or more a day will begin to move things along nicely.
5) Squat - Until the mid 1850's people squatted to move their bowels. After an English cabinet maker and plumber devised the modern toilet, squatting quickly became a thing of the past.
Studies prove that humans were not meant to sit on toilets.
It is difficult to achieve a full evacuation. Since the yellow pages has become virtually obsolete, stack a few in front of the toilet (about 6-9 inches high) and rest your feet on top.
6) Drink (More) Water - It can be such a challenge to drink enough water. We're so busy with trying to get things done during the course of our day, we forget to stop take a sip.
Carrying a refillable, reusable water bottle around with you improves your chances of staying hydrated significantly.
With growing concerns about commercially bottled water and the devastating effects of plastic on landfills and the environment, polycarbonate or stainless steel bottles are great alternatives.
Whatever your preference, keeping water handy at all times makes all the difference.
7) Maintenance Colon Cleansing - The most effective, comprehensive way to naturally cure constipation...and lose weight, boost your energy and vitality, lower stress and look younger all at once.
There are countless detoxification regimens that work. Using a pre-formulated colon cleansing kit offers the best value for your money and time.
You can choose from a 7 day kits up to 90 days. Some focus on just your colon, while others cleanse your whole body right down to the cellular level.
The most important benefit of colon cleansing is that it pushes the reset button on your health.
The layers of hardened, toxic waste and mucoid plaque are gently dissolved and eliminated.
Your insides are restored to their former, normal functioning glory.
Any health regimen, weight loss plan or diet becomes that much more effective once your body is free of the years of built up waste.
Colon cleansing cures constipation. It'll make you regular too. :-)
To your health and well-being,
Jay Greene
Reclaim Your Health Today! "The Ultimate Detox Reference Guide" contains the most cleanse kit reviews, pre and post cleanse advice and simple, healthy recipes.
Get 2 FREE Chapters today! =>
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12:00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Heavy Metal Cleansing Will Stop The MADNESS!
Our health is highly dependent on what we consume and what we put in and on our bodies. So, if you eat large amounts of junk food, then the nutrients that fuel your body are basically of the lowest quality. What should concern you most is the possibility of having consumed harmful heavy metals. Heavy metals are the most dangerous and cause you to have energy leakage, low mental clarity, and slows down brain development and function.
Many don't realize that heavy metals have entered the body in the first place. It's not like you would eat a meal of heavy metals. Heavy metals are industrial by-products, traces of which can easily be found in drinking water, pesticides, dental braces, dental fillings, certain metal cookware, and aluminum cooking products to name a few. Scrap dental amalgam was declared a dangerous compound by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1989.
If you suspect that you have heavy metals in your body and would like to get rid of them. A heavy metal cleansing/detox is recommended. Heavy metal cleansing is the process of eliminating poisonous and toxic heavy metal substances from your body. Usually, your body has a natural way of detoxifying on its own. Impurities are removed via the feces and urine. In addition, small amounts of heavy metals may also be released into the air through your lungs. The liver can also help in heavy metal detox. It actually excretes metal in the bile and reabsorbs them. The kidney also performs a process that disposes of the heavy metals that your body absorbs by producing Metallothionein. Metallothionein (MT) is a family of cysteine-rich, low molecular weight proteins. MTs have the capacity to bind both physiological (Zn, Cu, Se,...) and xenobiotic (Cd, Hg, Ag,...) heavy metals through the thiol group of its cysteine residues, which represents nearly the 30% of its amino acidic residues.
Metallothionein's experimental data relates it with protection against metal toxicity, regulation of physiological metals (Zn and Cu) and protection against oxidative stress. There are four main isoforms expressed in humans. In the human body, large quantities are synthesised primarily in the liver and kidneys. Their production is dependent on availability of the dietary minerals such as zinc, copper, selenium, and the amino acids histidine and cysteine. Problems start when there is a toxic build up of heavy metals and other waste, causing the organs to become overwhelmed and not able to perform at peak efficiency.
Alternative health experts recommend that you should undertake measures to aid your body in heavy metal detox. Heavy metal detox helps to remove heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, and others. These metals, when found in your body, causes cross-linking in the brain(short circuit), destroys vital enzymes, cell receptors, and hormones. Lead is also found to restrain brain nerves. Thus, the presence of lead can affect brain development, especially in growing children. It is the same or worse with mercury.
You will need to be under the guidance of an alternative health expert for heavy metal detox. If heavy metal detox is not done properly, mercury can actually result in renal failure. You will also experience symptoms of mercury poisoning. There are also some nutrients that you need in your daily diet to aid in the process of heavy metal detox:
* B-Complex-consist of eight vitamins:
Thiamin-(B1)essential for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Also works to promote healthy nerves, improve mood, strengthen the heart, and improve heartburn.
Riboflavin-(B2)necessary for red blood cell formation, as well as for assisting with fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Also works to improve skin blemishes, migraines and in preventing the onset of cataracts.
Niacin-(B3)an effective aid for lowering cholesterol, as well as to promote healthy skin. Can also be used to treat depression, insomnia and arthritis.
Pantothenic Acid-(B5)works to promote a healthy Central Nervous System, as well as assist in energy production, and fight chronic fatigue, migraines, allergies and heartburn.
Pyridoxine-(B6)needed for almost every function in the body, working as a coenzyme for numerous enzymes. Plays a major role in forming red blood cells, proteins and neurotransmitters, as well as stabilizing homocysteine levels. Can be used to relieve PMS and asthma attacks.
Cyanocobalamin-(B12)essential to prevent pernicious anemia, which is caused by B12 deficiency
Biotin-important to improve nail & hair health.
Folic Acid-Essential during pregnancy to protect against birth defects; stabilizes homocysteine levels.
* Grape Seed Extract-antioxidants in grape seed extract may help prevent changes, including damage to blood vessels, that may contribute to the development of heart disease
* Methionine- A powerful anti-oxidant and a good source of sulfur, which prevents disorders of the hair, skin, and nails
* Silymarin-has shown differing degrees of effectiveness for protecting the liver from damage caused by alcohol, chemicals, drugs, diseases, and poisonous plants.
* Wheat Grass-it has been argued that wheat grass helps blood flow, digestion, and general detoxification of the body.
* N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-"NAC", provides powerful immune support and also packs powerful anti-toxin potential.
* Chlorella-helps detoxify your body, Improve your digestive system, including decreasing constipation, Focus more clearly and for greater duration, and Promotes a healthy pH balance.
* Multi-Mineral-ensure healthy functioning of every system in the body.
The idea of heavy metal detox has many skeptics, but it's a fact that heavy metals are highly toxic to your body and it's in your best interest to be without them. You should research more into heavy metal cleansing if you find that the brain development of your child is delayed for instance.
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2:41 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Natural Colon Cleansing, One of Many Fatigue Treatments
People's hectic routines these days hardly leaves any time to indulge in healthy fiber rich food. The foods a person consumes plays a vital role in their overall health, both physically and mentally. A person who fills their daily diet with foods high in fats and sugars will definitely find they don't feel as good as they did in the past. The problem of obesity is out of control in our society. It affects people of all ages and all backgrounds. Which is the result of a poor diet and a toxic body. An average person carries with them around 20 pounds of undigested fecal matter. This decaying fecal matter in your intestines is not just dangerous for your health but also leads to serious health problems like colon cancer. You can get rid of the fecal matter lining in your intestine through a natural colon cleanse. This will not only give you a good colon health but also help you eliminate fatigue and reduce some weight.
While most don't really enjoy being overweight there's a large portion of the population that refuse to take steps to change it. They simply decide to accept their physical appearance as it is. While this is an option everyone has, you simply can't push the health problems associated with a poor diet to the side. Colon cleansing is a sure shot way for relief from a large number of those health related problems. Colon cleansing helps the body prevent sickness by removing the toxins and built up waste in your colon. The common cold and flu, headaches, sinus problems, chronic fatigue, body and breath odor, and even diarrhea and constipation can be cured with a natural colon cleanse.
Poor eyesight and poor memory along with back and knee pain and even stress are best fought with a colon cleanse. Many people feel greater alertness and a rejuvenated feeling after undergoing a colon cleanse. Some people have also reported an increase in the sex drive after undergoing colon cleanse. Another common and mysterious health problem that can be corrected with a good colon cleanse is chronic fatigue. It's the result of eating so poorly you are actually causing damage to your body and your mental abilities. Establishing a healthy diet includes increasing the amount of protein that is consumed on a daily basis. This can be found in a variety of meats, poultry, and beans. Consuming the right kind of protein is important, cause too much of the wrong protein can harm your kidneys. If you don't care for such foods you may want to consider a whey protein shake instead.
While doing a colon cleanse you should work on reducing the amount of fats and sugars you consume. Replace high sugar snacks with low calorie fruits and vegetables. If you crave something sweet then dip fruits into a yogurt dip. These small changes to your diet can help you have more energy. Any cleansing diet plan should be an attempt at lifestyle changes not just something you do for a short period of time. It will take a while for your body to start reacting positive to the changes. Having a wide variety of foods and recipes will help prevent you from becoming bored with it. A clear mind and healthy body is the result of a colon cleanse. Great skin and clear attractive features are possible with natural colon cleansing.
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1:18 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Choosing Between All The Cleansing Detox Diets
With the new year here, there's a lot of buzz about cleansing detox diets. It seems the #1 new years resolution is to lose weight and eat healthier. By Feb. 1st all hopes and dreams of a slimmer trimmer body are dashed. That can be changed, cause cleansing your body has so many benefits. Such as reducing the stress load on the body's major filters; the liver, kidneys, lymph, colon and blood, and helping it to rid itself of accumulated wastes and garbage.
This waste and garbage causes your body to become more inefficient. This is where you constant hunger and sugar cravings come from. Even the finest of machines need maintenance. People typically cleanse the inside of the body everyday, heck...even your car gets it's dirty oil drained out every 3 months or 3,000 miles. You what can go wrong if you neglect to ever change your car's engine oil, complete engine failure. So why do the majority of people neglect or don't even consider cleansing the inside of the body. It's one type of maintenance that can have long-term benefits. Two important benefits are weight loss and relieving the stress on your immune system.
There are two basic types of cleansing:
One type focuses on one organ of the body.
The other focuses on the body as a whole.
We'll go over both types so you can decide which type suits your cleansing style.
There are two basic ways to cleanse the colon. One way often uses fiber or clay along with lots of water to create bulk. That gives the muscles of the colon more to push on and thus more waste is accumulated and moved out of the body. The other way of colon cleansing is called therapeutic hydrotherapy. This includes enemas, colonics, colon therapy and colon irrigation. A soothing flow of filtered, temperature-controlled water gently circulates through the colon, coaxing your body to eliminate stored toxins from different areas.
Skin brushing is another type of cleanse on the largest organ of the body. It's also the largest organ of elimination. Brushing the skin facilitates cleansing by stimulating the lymphatic system to get rid of toxins through the skin. It also improves circulation and removes dead skin cells and debris that clog pores. Sweating is also a good technique for eliminating toxins through the skin, so exercise and saunas are good things to do and/or use.
Your liver is the most overworked organ of the body. Because it has to filter wastes as well as produce many chemicals for the body, cleansing can reduce some of its burden. There are various recipes on this blog for a "do it yourself" flush. The lymphatic system is supposed to be the mover of cellular wastes to the blood and then to the colon, and kidneys for removal. However, it needs exercise to do its job because it has no pump, like our cardio-vascular system.
One way to stimulate the lymph and help it do its job is to jump on a rebounder or mini trampoline. Jumping rope or simply rocking back and forth in a rocker will also give some of that muscle movement necessary for the lymph to be pumped throughout the body. There is also a massage just for the lymph. I recommend that you seek a trained professional if you want a lymphatic massage. There are various products on the market that focus on cleansing right down to the cellular level. It's worth taking your time to find the right product that supports the organs of detoxification and the body as a whole. Depending on the product, this type of cleanse can go from days to months. So it's far better to do a cleanse that both cleanses and supports at the same time and is gentle on the system.
Fortunately, the human body is a self-healing machine! That's right, if you care for it, it will give you a quality life. I can't think of a better way to help your wellness goals than to cleanse. You may want to try this Easy Colon Cleanse so you can take the road back to good health.
Posted by
8:01 AM