Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Your Vaginal Yeast Infection Can Be Healed With These Helpful Yeast Infection Natural Cures

A vaginal yeast infection is a big and common problem among women, but did you know that men can also get them? This is especially true for a man whose wife is suffering from one, since having sex will pass the infection back and forth. For a woman, however, the problem is a little trickier, since yeast thrives in a dark, moist environment. Simply put, a vaginal yeast infection is where yeast would consider it's dream home!

Many women and men suffering from genital yeast infections resort to the remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and then the yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this insidious infection. There are lots of natural yeast infection remedies out there, and I will attempt to highlight some that have worked for most people.

Here are some natural yeast infection remedies that have worked:

Plain Yogurt

The friendly bacteria in plain yogurt helps control yeast, and yogurt can be used both internally and externally. However, you should be sure you buy PLAIN UNSWEETENED yogurt. Since sugar feeds yeast, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire...so this is a crucial point. You can also make your own, using a yogurt starter. It is pretty simple and the results are quite good. The advantage is that you can use other types of milk, such as soy or almond. Whether purchased or homemade, yogurt is a great thing to eat before meals because it provides "helpful bacteria" for your intestines to aid in digestion.

For a topical treatment, you can also dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert it into your vagina or simply rub some on the outside. However, leaving it on for a prolonged period tends to have the opposite effect. It seems that once it has done its job, it is best to wipe it off or your genital yeast infection symptom of ithching will be more intense due to the moisture.


Garlic is one of yeast's biggest enemies! This is one of the most effective natural remedies for yeast infection for instant relief. Inserting one garlic tab (such as Shaklee's Garlic Tabs) or a garlic clove into the vagina every few hours or as needed provides soothing relief. If you use garlic tabs, be sure the ingredients are natural and pure. Shaklee garlic tabs are highly recommend for this purpose. Of course, garlic can be taken internally, as well. Again, the Shaklee garlic tabs work great.

Kyolic garlic tabs and liquid garlic also have shown good results against a genital yeast infection. If you don't mind the smell, you can press a whole garlic clove and drink it down quickly with water. This has been found to be very effective. Do it as often as necessary. Garlic is one of nature's most amazing yeast infection home treatment that has a number of other health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and reducing bad cholesterol. It is a natural antibiotic.

Apple-Cider Vinegar

Apple-cider vinegar is very strong, so it is not recommended that you apply it directly on the skin. However, it has many health benefits(including aiding in weight loss) and can be used both internally and externally. It will kill the yeast, but it will burn like mad! The best external application is to add about a cup of it into your bathwater and take a nice hot bath. This will feel very relaxing and soothing and will help temporarily. It is not as effective long-term as the garlic suppositories however. The type of vinegar that comes recommended is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, with the Mother. It is important that it have the mother, as this is more natural and less processed. Never use plain, white vinegar! This actually feeds the yeast in a viginal yeast infection instead of killing it.


{spin}In my opinion, water is one of the world's most powerful secret remedies for ANY illness! I strongly believe that if we all drank the amount of water our bodies need, we would see a great reduction in all types of sicknesses. Most doctors say that we should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily, but many people...especially those trying to overcome an illness should drink a glass a water for every hour they are awake. I have found that simply drinking enough water greatly reduces my likelihood for getting a genital yeast infection.

The idea behind drinking more water is that you will be urinating more frequently, so your body is able to flush out the sugars and other toxins. Be sure to drink water that is pure and free of chemicals. It is best to purchase some type of water filtration system, or a distiller. Be sure that regardless of what system you purchase, do your research first to be sure that it will be effective in its performance. If you do only one thing, drink more water. It's easy, accessable, natural, and has no side effects!

Oil of Oregano

This amazing herb is very potent against yeast. Take it internally daily, according to directions. Be sure, also, that the type of oil you choose has a high carvacrol content, as this is the active ingredient...look for Oreganol Super Strength P73.

Friendly bacteria supplement

A healthy body contains trillions of microoragnisms, most of which reside in the colon. Their main function is to provide balance for less-desirable organisms (such as yeast). Using a quality {spin]probiotic|beneficial|friendly[/spin] bacteria supplement to help maintain these probiotics and prebiotics in the intestines is smart decision when trying to overcome a viginal yeast infection.

Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Organic Coconut oil is also one of the best remedies around for a vaginal yeast infection. It has a medium-chain fatty acid known as caprylic acid. Caprylic acid has been used for some time as a home yeast infection remedy. It's a good idea to have coconut oil in your diet all the time.

Caprylic acid is not the only active ingredient in coconut oil, there are three active ingredients. They are, caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid. These are medium-chain saturated fatty acids. You can find studies about these fatty acids and how each one of them is able to kill Candida albicans(yeast) by researching them online. There are some studies that also show how coconut oil is more effective than prescription drugs.

Here are some things to avoid when fighting a vaginal yeast infection:

Birth Control Pills— Birth control pills weaken the immune system, making you more prone to a genital yeast infection.

Taking antibiotics— Antibiotics kill the good bacteria that keeps yeast under control, and and it lowers the immune system.

Douching— Douching can upset the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.

Feminine deodorants— These can be very irritating to anyone, especially those with a vaginal yeast infection.

Non-cotton underwear— Any underwear made of man-made fibers is not breathable, as cotton is. They trap moisture and heat creating a perfect environment for yeast overgrowth.

Tight fitting clothing— Tight clothing in the crotch area also creates a warm environment for yeast to grow.

A wet bathing suit— Sitting in a wet bathing suit for a prolonged period creates not only a warm environment, but a moist one, as well. Perfect for yeast growth!

Pantyhose— Tight, man-made fiber that also allows yeast to flourish and overgrow.

Foods that feed yeast— sugar, yeast, refined foods (such as white flour), alcohol and other foods listed on this natural yeast infection remedies site.

If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips to help rid yourself of a vaginal yeast infection for good.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eat Right To Fight Your Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infection Or Penis Yeast Infection

If you suffer from a chronic viginal yeast infection or penile yeast infection and want to know how to get rid of it for good and stay healthy, read on.

There are numerous approaches to curing a genital yeast infection. Most all of them have their good points and most all of them can work. The problem or challenge occurs when they stop working or only help, temporarily. At that point, the occasional occurrence of the pesky vaginal yeast infection or penis yeast infection becomes all too chronic!

If this is where you are, then you know that using the term "horrible" is not an overstatement. So, what now?

Getting rid of a chronic vaginal yeast infection or penis yeast infection is a lot like trying to solve some of the puzzles you may have seen. All of the pieces of these puzzles are shaped identically, usually 6-8 squares, which go together to make the whole picture. These smaller squares often all look alike, the challenge is to figure out the minute differences in them in order to put the puzzle together successfully. In other words, each approach to curing a chronic vaginal yeast infection or penile yeast infection is a piece of the puzzle but must be put together in the proper order, for it to be successful.

The anchoring piece of this puzzle is making vital dietary changes to optimize your digestion.

Unfortunately, the "standard American diet" (S.A.D.) is sad and not good for our digestive processes. It relies heavily on overly processed, chemical-laden, hormone-filled meats, and high glycemic index carbs. Not only are they hard for our bodies to digest properly, they also place a lot of stress on our whole digestive system. When digestion breaks down, our immune system begins to break down. When our immune system breaks down, we're inviting all kinds of illnesses including a chronic viginal yeast infection or male yeast infection.

The "S.A.D." diet mostly creates an acidic environment in the body. There is valid research showing the causal relationship of an overly acidic body and disease. The human body is designed to function most effectively and efficiently in an alkaline range of 7.4 – 7.5. Certain foods help keep our bodies safely within this range. Consuming too much of the acid forming foods leads to an imbalance in the body's pH and the body becomes overly acidic. Now, acid, in and of itself, is not a bad thing, because we need a certain amount of it; but too much of it is bad for your health.

Yeast overgrowth begins and thrives in an overly acidic body. To cure it, you will have to change the way you eat by including more alkaline forming foods. Fruits and most vegetables keep the body alkaline, and taking multi-mineral supplements also keeps the body in the proper pH range. Alkaline producing foods tend to be anti-yeast overgrowth foods. Becoming more alkaline means better and more efficient digestion. Better and efficient digestion means a stronger immune system that can be one of your best allies in curing a chronic or penis yeast infection.

The best thing is you can begin making these changes in your diet...right now...today! Add at least 3 – 5 servings of fresh, preferably organic, fruits and veggies to your daily diet. Limit acid forming foods to 3 times a week, or so.

Acid forming foods would be foods like:
* Corn
* Meat
* Beans
* Fish
* Poultry
* Most grains
* Coffee
* Plums
* Prunes
* Cranberries
* Distilled Water

Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are considered to be alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process of sprouting.
All vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. The most alkali-forming juices are: fig juice, green juices of all green vegetables and tops, carrots, beet, celery, pineapple and citrus juices. Vegetable broth is an extremely alkalizing drink.

Alkalizing Foods are Foods like:
* Most fruits, except as noted above
* Most vegetables, except as noted above
* Bananas
* Chocolate
* Figs
* Mineral water
* Orange juice
* Potatoes
* Spinach
* Watermelon
* Dandelion Greens

When it comes to staying healthy and fighting off a vaginal yeast infection or male yeast infection, small changes can make a big difference. You may even be surprised at how quickly these small changes can make you feel better. See, there's a reason why you should always eat your veggies.

If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Take Advantage of Yeast Infection Home Treatment

Millions of people suffer with insidious yeast infections, yet most don’t know what it entails. Yeast infection/overgrowth also known as candida has numerous reasons for its infection, which includes having sexual intercourse with someone who is infected, poor diet, the use of steroids, as well as antibiotics are good reasons. Some alternative practitioners view candida as a systematic problem affecting the whole body and has its origin in the intestines, as candida is a normal part of the bowel flora.

Once yeast spreads through the rest of the body, candida has the ability to disrupt the endocrine system causing symptoms such as thrush, fungal infection of the nails and skin and more. It has been known for years that candida flourishes in the presence of progesterone which explains why so many women are more likely to get a yeast infection of thrush during pre-menstrual period.

Some factors such as pregnancy, fatigue, the wrong clothing, the use of scented feminine products, and douches can cause candida. It seems like the list of reasons why one would get a yeast infection is basically long. Another reason is that when you have a poor immune system and exposing yourself to too much semen, sugar, and alcohol can intensify yeast overgrowth.

What are the symptoms of yeast infections?

The symptoms of candida overgrowth include diarrhea, abdominal cramp, rectal itching, gas, frequent and painful urination, facial rash and thrush, itching maybe intense. Other symptoms may include a whitish discharge but not in all cases.

The natural remedies for yeast infection

There are natural yeast infection remedies which will treat the cause so that these irritating symptoms will not re-occur. You may want to consider a natural yeast infection treatment regime which can include Coconut Oil, which works very well on the skin and internally...and is completely safe. It explodes the nucleus of the yeast cell from the inside out. This will safely help you get the yeast back in balance and back to a better healthier life. If your dream is to have a healthy skin, boost your energy levels, protect your immune system and get rid of food cravings, then consider this yeast infection home treatment and improve your life.

If you need more help, subscribe to our "Natural Health Newsletter" for other tips and receive a FREE 5-days to better health course to help rid yourself of illness for good.